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In progress
Borup M, Eckert GL, Raymond WW. In prep. Sea otters reduce benthic mesopredator predation in Southeast Alaska seagrass communities.
Stephens TA, Shields M, Borup M†, Raymond WW, Eckert GL. In prep. Bioturbation by sea otters reduces the extent of intertidal seagrass in Southeast Alaska.
Stephens TA, Shields M, Borup M†, Raymond WW, Eckert GL. In prep. Bioturbation by sea otters reduces the extent of intertidal seagrass in Southeast Alaska.
Raymond WW, Barber J, Dethier M, Harley C, King T, Paul B, Speck C, Tobin E, Raymond A, McDonald PS. In review. Assessment of an unprecedented heatwave on Salish Sea shellfish. Ecology. doi: 10.1002/ecy.3798
Raymond WW, Schram J, Eckert GL, Galloway AWE. 2021. Effect of sea otters on the trophic structure of Southeast Alaska eelgrass beds. Mar Ecol Prog Ser.
Raymond WW, Hughes B, Stephens TA, Mattson C, Bolwerk A, Tinker MT, Eckert GL. 2021. Testing the generality of a sea otter mediated trophic cascade in seagrass meadows. Oikos. 130:5.
Whalen M, Whippo R,… et al. Raymond WW,… Duffy JE. 2020. Climate drives the geography of marine consumption by changing predator communities. PNAS.
Prentice C, Poppe KL, Lutz M, Murray M, Stephens TA, Spooner A, Hessing-Lewis M, Sanders-Smith R, Rybczyk JM, Apple J, Short F, Gaeckle J, Helms A, Mattson C, Raymond WW, Klinger T. 2020. A synthesis of blue carbon stocks, sources and accumulation rates in eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows in the Northeast Pacific.
Raymond WW, Tinker MT, Benter B, Kissling M, Gill V, Eckert GL. 2019. Location specific factors influence patterns and effects of subsistence sea otter harvest in southeast Alaska. Ecosphere.
Stephens TA, Hughes BB, Kroeker KJ, Hessing-Lewis M, Monteith Z, Morris M, Raymond WW. 2019. Between a rock and a soft place: surfgrass also colonizes sediments without attachment to rock. Ecology.
Tinker MT, Gill V, Esslinger GG, Bodkin J, Monk M, Mangel M, Monson DH, Raymond WW, Kissling M. 2019. Trends and carrying capacity of sea otters in Southeast Alaska. J Wildlife Manag. 83:1-17.
Dethier MN, Raymond WW, McBride AN, Toft JD, Cordell JR, Ogston AS, Heerhartz SM, Berry HD. 2016. Multiscale impacts of armoring on Salish Sea shorelines: Evidence for cumulative and threshold effects. Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 175:106–117.
Raymond WW, Albins MA, Pusack TJ. 2015. Competitive interactions for shelter between invasive Pacific red lionfish and native Nassau grouper. Environ Biol Fishes 98:57–65.
Raymond WW, Lowe A, Galloway AWE. 2014. Degradation state of algal diets affects fatty acid composition but not size of red urchin gonads. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 509:213–225.
Dethier MN, Brown AS, Burgess S, Eisenlord ME, Galloway AWE, Kimber J, Lowe AT, O’Neil CM, Raymond WW, Sosik EA., Duggins DO. 2014. Degrading detritus: Changes in food quality of aging kelp tissue varies with species. J Exp Mar Bio Ecol 460:72–79.
Raymond WW, Schram J, Eckert GL, Galloway AWE. 2021. Effect of sea otters on the trophic structure of Southeast Alaska eelgrass beds. Mar Ecol Prog Ser.
Raymond WW, Hughes B, Stephens TA, Mattson C, Bolwerk A, Tinker MT, Eckert GL. 2021. Testing the generality of a sea otter mediated trophic cascade in seagrass meadows. Oikos. 130:5.
Whalen M, Whippo R,… et al. Raymond WW,… Duffy JE. 2020. Climate drives the geography of marine consumption by changing predator communities. PNAS.
Prentice C, Poppe KL, Lutz M, Murray M, Stephens TA, Spooner A, Hessing-Lewis M, Sanders-Smith R, Rybczyk JM, Apple J, Short F, Gaeckle J, Helms A, Mattson C, Raymond WW, Klinger T. 2020. A synthesis of blue carbon stocks, sources and accumulation rates in eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows in the Northeast Pacific.
Raymond WW, Tinker MT, Benter B, Kissling M, Gill V, Eckert GL. 2019. Location specific factors influence patterns and effects of subsistence sea otter harvest in southeast Alaska. Ecosphere.
Stephens TA, Hughes BB, Kroeker KJ, Hessing-Lewis M, Monteith Z, Morris M, Raymond WW. 2019. Between a rock and a soft place: surfgrass also colonizes sediments without attachment to rock. Ecology.
Tinker MT, Gill V, Esslinger GG, Bodkin J, Monk M, Mangel M, Monson DH, Raymond WW, Kissling M. 2019. Trends and carrying capacity of sea otters in Southeast Alaska. J Wildlife Manag. 83:1-17.
Dethier MN, Raymond WW, McBride AN, Toft JD, Cordell JR, Ogston AS, Heerhartz SM, Berry HD. 2016. Multiscale impacts of armoring on Salish Sea shorelines: Evidence for cumulative and threshold effects. Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 175:106–117.
Raymond WW, Albins MA, Pusack TJ. 2015. Competitive interactions for shelter between invasive Pacific red lionfish and native Nassau grouper. Environ Biol Fishes 98:57–65.
Raymond WW, Lowe A, Galloway AWE. 2014. Degradation state of algal diets affects fatty acid composition but not size of red urchin gonads. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 509:213–225.
Dethier MN, Brown AS, Burgess S, Eisenlord ME, Galloway AWE, Kimber J, Lowe AT, O’Neil CM, Raymond WW, Sosik EA., Duggins DO. 2014. Degrading detritus: Changes in food quality of aging kelp tissue varies with species. J Exp Mar Bio Ecol 460:72–79.
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